Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Pocketnow gets their hands-on with video and download speed test!

So here is a hands-on by Pocketnow along with their video of a nice speed test on the new Sidekick 4G

Below we have their first impressions on the Sidekick 4G:

"In this segment we take a look at the T-Mobile Sidekick 4G, resurgence of the Sidekick line with a new operating system (Android) and a new manufacturer (Samsung). The device felt pretty solid all around, with a good sliding mechanism and tried-and-true Sidekick keyboard. Since this is a 4G device, internet speeds were typically impressive, although some of that is probably due to enhanced coverage here at CTIA. We found the skinned interface to be fairly basic but probably perfect for the Sidekick crowd, as this will likely be a starter Android handset for many. Also, we certainly appreciated the all-caps used to label the icon shortcuts, as our eyes have grown weary from staring at displays with increasingly-higher pixels-per-inch.

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