Wednesday, March 23, 2011

BGR returns to do another hands-on of the Sidekick 4G with VIDEO

So Boy Genius Report did another hands-on with video this time:


Android Central has a nice video of Sidekick 4G and pictures.

Android Central also has had a chance to get their hands-on with the
new Sidekick 4G, and have a very nice video of it:

Here is what they had to say about the Sidekick with pictures at the bottom:

"OK, all you boys and girls out there itching to get your hands on a T-Mobile Sidekick 4G. You can't have it yet, we got our fat little fingers on it for you. And for those of you unfamiliar with the Sidekick experience (that'd be yours truly), it's an ... interesting experience.
The flip-up screen has a nice spring to it, and the keyboard is just shy of being excellent. What's not excellent is that the usual Android buttons are at the four corners (three, actually) of the device, meaning you're doing to be doing some reaching to get back to the home screens.
The software is an interesting mix of Android -- there's much that familiar -- and Sidekick special sauce. We're going to need some more time with the software to get a grip on it, but it's not the worst thing in the world. When it comes to pricing, we're looking at $99 - $149.99 depending on your data plan chosen and fussing with mail-in-rebates. Jump on past the break for some images of the Sidekick 4G"

Pocketnow gets their hands-on with video and download speed test!

So here is a hands-on by Pocketnow along with their video of a nice speed test on the new Sidekick 4G

Below we have their first impressions on the Sidekick 4G:

"In this segment we take a look at the T-Mobile Sidekick 4G, resurgence of the Sidekick line with a new operating system (Android) and a new manufacturer (Samsung). The device felt pretty solid all around, with a good sliding mechanism and tried-and-true Sidekick keyboard. Since this is a 4G device, internet speeds were typically impressive, although some of that is probably due to enhanced coverage here at CTIA. We found the skinned interface to be fairly basic but probably perfect for the Sidekick crowd, as this will likely be a starter Android handset for many. Also, we certainly appreciated the all-caps used to label the icon shortcuts, as our eyes have grown weary from staring at displays with increasingly-higher pixels-per-inch.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

PCmag did also have their hands-on with the Sidekick 4G

There has been so many hands-on with the new Sidekick 4G today that one could easily get the various reports mixed up.

Here is what PCmag had to say about their in person experience with it and yet a few more angles in the pictures below just incase you haven't seen enough  just yet :)

"I'm a little bit in love with the new Sidekick. I kind of want one.

Is that okay? Really? I'm a 36-year-old man, after all, not the Sidekick's target market of teens. And I wasn't much of a personal fan of the old Sidekick's beepy-boopy noises and "disco ball" glowing trackball. But the new Sidekick looks—dare I say it—grown up.
The Sidekick looks even better in person than it does in photos. The matte black model is smooth and soft, made of solid plastic, with a confident feel to it. The 3.5-inch, 800x480 screen is bright and tight.
Teens will still love this phone, because it's a texting beast. Samsung, smartly, kept the terrific Sidekick keyboard, with its slightly stiff, well-separated and bubbled buttons. The phone can be used closed, as a touchscreen phone with a virtual keyboard, or can snap open smartly with the screen sliding up to reveal the keyboard.
The Sidekick is an Android 2.2.1 phone with some pretty heavy customizations, but I think they're good looking. You can look at the slideshow in this story and decide for yourself. Pretty much everywhere you'd expect to see either text or a rectangle on an Android phone has been edited a bit. A little bar across the top of the screen keeps track of which of the seven home screens you're on. The standard Android icon font has been replaced by a small, all-caps font. At the bottom of the screen (or the side, depending on how you're holding it) are the words "phone," "apps," and "contacts" rather than confusing icons representing the same ideas.
Now that I think about it, the fonts, boxes of colors, and use of text rather than icons rather reminds me of Windows Phone 7's Metro design language, which makes an odd sort of sense: Microsoft bought Danger, maker of the old Sidekicks, and while that team wasn't involved in this phone, their spirit lives on.

The purely cosmestic customizations don't seem to drag down performance. The Sidekick felt even zippier than the usual Samsung Galaxy S phone, which was surprising given that they share the same 1GHz Hummingbird processor. And there's all the usual Android goodness in here, including the excellent Web browser and the 100,000-plus Android Market apps.The four Sidekick "jump" keys around the edges of the phone seem a bit vestigial, and they are; they played important roles in the old Danger OS, but here they're really just programmable shortcut keys. Three customizable colored LEDs along the top of the screen play the role of the old "disco ball," telling you about new messages. I like how they're customizable; you can turn them on or off as you like.
I didn't get to test the Sidekick's Internet speeds, but I'm expecting good things: this is an HSPA+ 21 phone, and thus it'll be quite fast on T-Mobile's network. The new Sidekick 4G will cost $149.99 with a two-year contract when it comes out this spring; it will also be available for more money on prepaid plans, T-Mobile told me."

Here is what Boy Genius Reports on the Sidekick 4G

Another well known blog Boy Genius Report aka BGR has had it's hands-on with the Sidekick 4G and another 30 pictures for you to enjoy

Here is what BGR says:

"As tech writers we get to play with a ton of phones, but nothing really takes us back to our high school days like playing with a Sidekick — and we just had a chance to sit down with the first one powered by Android. Built by Samsung, the Sidekick 4G features Android 2.2 (Froyo) and, despite our initial fears that it would be a lackluster device compared to the high-end beauties recently announced, we were pretty pleased with what the Sidekick 4G offers. It includes a horizontal-slider form factor, a throwback QWERTY keyboard with rounded keys, and more power under the hood than any Sidekick before it.  Hit the jump for our hands-on with the Sidekick 4G, and some initial impressions.
The Sidekick 4G is powered by a 1Ghz Cortex A8 Samsung Hummingbird processor, so unlike previous models that had a feature phone feel, the Sidekick 4G has enough kick to keep up with T-Mobile’s high-end smartphones. It felt well built and its display hinge felt very sturdy when we popped it open to reveal the keyboard. Moving around the custom user interface was fluid and fun, but we think tweens and teens will probably enjoy the colorful UI a bit more than we did. The Sidekick 4G has a 3-megapixel camera but sadly, it lacks a flash. For those up on video-chatting, however, there’s also a front-facing camera.
Overall, the Sidekick 4G felt light in the hand and well built, but it also reminds us a bit more of a feature phone than a smartphone. That’s OK, though, given that it has the power of a smartphone with the features users expect from a Sidekick: Easy and quick messaging with a great keyboard and a fun user interface."